Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Week 9

Personal Practice
OK guys.... I have been easy on you up until now. Time to take this... THIS, what we are all learning in class and put it into practice. Allow for yourself the time to experiement with all of this yoga "stuffs" outside of class in the big, bad world.
Create your space. Create your practice.
Tell me about it.



Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica!

I've been thinking about the whole creating a space thing, and although I have no room at all in my house, that doesn't mean I can't think of a calming space for me to practice in.

In my space, I'd definitely have candles and incense. The floor would be hardwood, just like the dance studio, but darker. I'd love to have all kinds of comfy chairs... poufs! Haha. And there would be a Buddha, just like you have! I'm not sure about the flowers thing, but hey! I could give it a chance!

I'd also totally get the hook up for my iPod and jam to some cool music like we listen to in class. You'll have to hook me up with some yoga-esque artists!

There'd also be some kind of water feature. Like... A miniture fountain or something. Haha. It's all in my head, and it makes me feel great just thinking about having a space of my own; somewhere to escape reality for just a little while.

I love doing yoga every week, and I will definitely continue to practice after this semester!

Thanks for this awesome experience!


PS... Congrats on the Art Show! I had a great time visiting!

Anonymous said...

Yo Mrs Jessica,
So I was thinking about the whole creating a space thing last night and i realized that there is probably only one place I would enjoy doing yoga away from school. This may be a combination of the factors that i don't live a house of my own to where I could have a yoga room or the fact that I hate being inside. There is an empty lot next to the intercostal water way in my neighborhood and it's probably one of the most tranquil places I've ever been in my life. I've been ending up at that location every time I've been upset for probably about the last 7 years. I'm just really hoping that house sales stay down in myrtle beach so that lot stays open so I'm not trespassing to go to my spot.

Speaking of which, Friday I really need to get that one CD. It's probably like one of my favorite CD's I've ever heard in my life, no exaggeration.

And where could i get a copy of the yoga sutra?

And last but not least you better inform us of future community service projects we could do with you, because the art show was awesome.


Anonymous said...

hey Jessica,

The wholee creating a space thing! i tried it. Well my room was already that space but i made it a little more conducive to my practice, yoga friendly kind of. I put down a rug. But yea, i turn on some music, and start up a little yoga sesh. its not as long as our class yoga, but it helps me calm down at night. Yoga is very difficult for me tho, and i often find myself giving up easily. what can i say. I try. but having my own space to practice yoga in my room is pretty cool. its not as structured as class. i can move into corpse pose whenever i want! haha

see ya next class


Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica!

Yoga has been great so far. I'm having a hard time finding something to blog about, so i'm just going to wing it. The thing we talked about last week (creating our space), and it got me thinking...what do i consider "my space?" I believe my room is deffinitly my personal space. Not only is it a place i call my own, but it is also my escape. When i have a bad day, i run to my "Hide-Away" and get away from the world. In my space, I sing to my favorite songs loudly, I watch and get sucked into my favorite movies, and I free myself from all the negitive things of the world (or at least i try to).


Anonymous said...

I know this sounds weird, but I really enjoy finding peace in my car while i'm driving. Of course I still have to pay attention to the road, but I enjoy the peace and relaxation on Jack Johnson music. When I come home on days that i'm soooo stressed out, his music puts me right into the peaceful mood. I know I havent been doing a whole lot of yoga lately with you, Jessica, but my schoolwork and grades haven't been so great. Things have been very stressful lately and my muscles have been pulled or either sore. haha, I'm falling apart. But back to the subject; yeah, there really isn't a certain spot I could make my peaceful spot, besides maybe my car. It really all depends on the music i'm listening to. Peace. Love. Dance.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica!
So ever since we had that conversation about creating our own space i've been wanting to build another room to my house all dedicated for yoga practice. In it I would have a water fountain, incense and candles. The room would have long curtains and dark lighting. The floor would be hardwood but lots and lots of pillows! I would also have the type of music you always play. :)

I am still loving yoga. I feel my body getting stronger, more flexible and my mind is becoming more clear. Thank you and I look forward to future practices!


Anonymous said...

I try to take what we have been learning in yoga and incooperate it in my everyday life. I try to find time just for myself and make all my worries go away. Yoga has helped me forget about my stress and focus on me.