Is always built upon this foundation:
The ability
To Appear, speak, and act
As the most
I tend to keep The Gift (a book of poerty written by Sufi poet, Hafiz and translated by Daniel Ladinsky) close at hand at all times and no matter where I am in my life, I can turn to any page and find sweet tendrils of wisdom that gently nuzzle my intelect, stretch my heart and strenghten my spirit.
I strive for progression. I fight to evolve. I test my will intentionally and I refuse to give up. Sometimes the reasons why leave me during the hard moments until I read something like this. The humbling words of this poem remind me live in my integrity and to practice that which has been given to me through the amazing gift of Yoga. To seek union in all things no matter what and to see truth where others don't see anything at all.
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