Crabbiness, irritability, fatigue and frusteration. That is how I can sum up most of this day. It was not until I went to Kelly Parr's blog, Fresh Encounter and read her post about Detoxing - One Meal at a Time, that I was able to at least have some perspective. All these feelings and physical aches and pains are totally normal. Even that really crazy sound coming from Carl's stomach today, is just our bodies responding to "not getting what is wants..." Maybe our bodies are having a temper tantrum?
Tomorrow I am going to revisit my meditation practice for the rest of the detox. I am looking forward to reaping the spiritual benefits of this process.
Now, for todays menu... (I promise to spice things up soon....)
I juiced 6 carrots, 1/2 lemon, banana and ginger root for Carl and I.
1 Cup Detox Tea
1 tblsp Fish Oil/Omega 3's
LOTS OF WATER. I pee'd about 25 times today. TMI!
Toasted Almond Butter and Rasberry Jam sandwich on Ezekial Sprouted Bread
Snack: Wasabi Peas
Dinner (this was a new creation for sure)
I bought gluten and wheat free pasta. I am Italian and my favorite comfort food in the world is my nana's sauce, wheat free brown rice pasta was a little hard to swallow. Aside from me cooking them a little too long, it was really good!
I sauteed onions and garlic in olive oil, then added about 4 Roma Tomatos, sliced.
I let the tomatos simmer for 15 minutes, then added mushrooms and fresh basil.
3 minutes before the pasta was ready I added 3 cups of Spinach.
Pour Sauce on Pasta and serve!

Fresh Rasberries and Blueberries!!
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