So, the players for this cleanse are myself, Carl Kerridge and our good friend Hiren. We are meeting tomorrow evening at New Life Natural Foods in Myrtle Beach, SC to plan out the next 21 days. Replacing staples, exchanging recipies and creating a support system for one another.
The Players:

Giving up: alcohol, caffeine, red meat, dairy

Giving up: Alcohol, caffeine, all meat, fish, dairy and some other things I will let you know once I figure out what book I am going to buy...

Giving up: Alcohol, caffeine, smoking, all meat, fish and dairy
Websites and blogs of reference:
Fresh Encounter -
The Feel Good Guru -
These two blogs have been created by two women who are obviously passionate about health. I am excited to benefit from their committment to sharing their outlook and perspectives on cleansing and overall health with the world! Thank you Kelly and Moira!
I also think it is important to note that all three of us are choosing to customize our cleanses to our own needs. We are still creating defined individual guidelines and supporting one another, but what works for one, may not work for another.
Alright, wish us luck! Grocery shopping tomorrow!!
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