Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sense of Urgency

My old boss at the Marriott used to get upset if all of his department heads were NOT running around the hotel with a "sense of urgency." I coined this term and use it to this day when tackling an important task. It seems to translate to me into being passionate about the job at hand. It is very difficult to conjure up this sense of passion (or urgency) if you are not interested or not focused on what you are doing. This idea moves deeper in the the "willingness" to actually do the work. In yoga, we call this Tapas. The desire for discipline if you will. Tapas is the desire to know more about your own self, to move from the negative conditioning and programing that is bombarding you constantly into the stream of authenticity and self control.

An example of this relating to our day to day may come in the form of an idea, dream or goal that you want to attain. At first, this goal seems so in your grasp... you can almost taste, touch and feel how good it is. But, then.... as you move into the work of planning the steps to reach that place the energy seems to fizzle out and you lose the "steam" you had at the beginning, all the while you are still attracted to the end result.

Some ideas are just not meant to be. You simply have to accept that fact. But, other times it is the lack of discipline to follow through which is the reason for the estinguishment. I challenge myself and anyone reading to do a personal assessment of discipline in their lives and measure it against the dreams and desire for goals and how successful you have been at achieving them. Simple solutions may be finding something consistant in your daily life, finding the joy in the accomplishment of each small step instead of waiting for the BIG BANG. Finding the joy in the tapas of your "sense of passion" (urgency!) to do the work.



Alice said...

well said! personal discipline is indeed the key to achieving personal goals! i found your writing really inspiring, thank you :)

none said...

I thought tapas was the small plates that never fill you up and make you have to grab Wendy's on the way home ;)