Week 2 (9/8-9/12)
Stress (biological)-Stress is an emotional and physical response to threats from the outside world. Common stress reactions include muscular tension, irritability, inability to concentrate, and a variety of physical symptoms, such as headaches and an accelerated heart rate.
Class discussion: What is stressing you out? How do you handle it?
What is your yoga? “When carving stone, the sculptor removes everything that is not the statue. She does not add anything to create it, except the willingness to do the work. The art of revealing beauty lies in removing what conceals it. Our work is to chisel at everything that is not the essence, not Self.” ~Living Your Yoga
“A spiritual practice is one thing that brings us full circle- not to a new self but, rather, back to the essence of our true selves. At the end of a hero’s journey, he finds that he did not need to go anywhere, that all he sought was inside him all along.”
~ Meditations from the Mat
Seva: To be fully human, we must translate our compassion and concern into useful service. Selfless Service.
• First, we must ask this: “What inspires you to be of service to the world?”
• Off the Mat and Into the World
• Seva Project as a class: I would like everyone to work on a five hour Seva Project to be completed by the end of the semester. You can work together.
Homework for next week: Come prepared with a suggestion for a Seva project
• Pranayama: ujjayi breath
• Asana: Sun Salutations, Standing and Seated Poses
• Meditation: Flame in center of heart meditation
• What is your yoga? What do you believe makes up the essence of you?
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I tried to blog last week, but being a novice, I didn't quite accomplish my goal. So, here goes again. We are all very lucky to have our own AAST alum Jessica teaching us yoga and it is a true indulgence for me to be a student for a change! Being able to move in sync with everyone in the class creates such a strong connection. It's amazing, soothing, strengthening, and I look forward to each and every class. Namaste, Mrs. Hale
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