Monday, August 24, 2009

Feeling a bit lighter!

Today has been the most encouraging day of our detox yet. Carl and I met fellow yogi, Julia at The Market Common this morning for a 7am class beneath the blue sky and on the dewey grass. While detoxing you are connecting with your own body more and being outside feels more alive than normal. My work keeps me at my desk, behind a computer most of the time and if anyone knows of a cleanse that will help a stiff neck... I am all about it!
My breakfast and lunch have been repeats of previous days.


We enjoyed rice and black beans, which we have taken a liking to.

I was craving greens so we sauteed some spinach with red onion, garlic, olive oil, himalayan sea salt and pepper.

Fresh steamed sweet corn

Tomato, avocado, lime juice, salt and pepper salad as a cold side.

I have some bananas and blueberries in the freezer.. not sure what I am going to do with them yet, but I am sure we will think of something.

Day Five!! I am so proud of us!!


Kelly Parr said...
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Kelly Parr said...

ooopss.. last commment didn't work! sorry bout that...
I am so proud of you guys too! It's not easy doing what your doing...good thing you have the support of each other! That helps tremendously....especially on days when you want to throw in the towl!
Hey you don't know what to do with your banana's and blueberries?
Well check out my blog today ... .... this one's for YOU!

johnna brynn bockover said...

way to go, guys! you rock! :) keep it up!

Kim said...

beans & rice are my favorite!! ..<3

Kelly Parr said...

Jessica... I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you guys... how ya doing?
have a great day!